We are pleased to introduce the PulsePen Holder, designed by our international team to support the use of our wireless PulsePen tonometers in various clinical environments and conditions.
This articulated mechanical arm features:
1) Rapid positioning to capture the tonometric signals of Carotid, Femoral, Radial, Brachial, ... Arteries;
2) Stable tonometric signals free from the tremor of operator and variations in the applied pressure;
3) Capturing easily the signals in long term recordings;
4) ETT model with two tonometric probes used by only one single operator.
Standard configuration includes the Arm and a Support Base.
PulsePen: the new software release 2.3.1 is available for download.
The upgrade is higly recommended: contact DiaTecne s.r.l. (info@pulsepen.com) to obtain your free copy.
The new release, among others, includes the Help/Tutorial rev. 2.1 in html format that you can also separately download from the Support/Downloads area and open with your browser.
1) Software Help: references to the various features of the software.
2) Quick Guide: tips and tricks on the use of PulsePen.
3) Tutorial: elements of theory and example videos.
4) User Manual: reference document for the installation and use of the instrument.
PulsePen was successfully tested during high altitude research expeditions
5400 m base camp Everest - Nepal 4554 m Capanna Margherita - Italy
A new reliable assessment of SEVR by arterial tonometry was implemented.
PulsePen allows the manual clinical data of the patient to be inserted to optimize the assessment of the
myocardial oxygen supply: demand index by adjusting SEVR for the arterial content of oxygen and the relative left ventricular mass.
Forward / Reflected wave analysis was added to the PulsePen & PulsePenLab software:
Wave Separation Analysis (WSA) in a young healthy adult (a) and an old hypertensive patient (b). WSA allows the decomposition of the central pulse wave into its forward (Pf) and backward (Pb) components.